Welcome Back

13th July saw the green light for Sports Massage Therapists. This meant that after more than 3 months I could welcome my clients back to the clinic.

After the long months of lockdown uncertainty, Sports Massage Therapists were given the green light to return to face to face appointments in July. It was wonderful to catch up with clients in person, many of which needed adjustments to their treatment plan as lockdown saw changes to the way we worked, moved and exercised.

When the clinic first closed, I had so many plans to help clients from a distance. I was going to film stretching and strengthening videos with lots of ideas and tips to help release tight muscles, strengthen weak ones and help people stay mobile. Like many people in lockdown, initial plans changed as homeschooling two children took priority. I enjoy my work, I’ve worked hard to build my business and again like so many others a mental battle to focus less on work took place. But once I made peace with the situation I relished the precious extra time with my young family.

That said I was still very much working behind the scenes, responding to client messages of support and providing help, information and advice to many of you who got in touch. In June, both my children returned to school, which allowed time to start putting new plans together for changes to the clinic. Some of these plans were to ensure the clinic is COVID secure, and others were things I’d been planning pre-lockdown.

Two of my favourite things to come from this time of change to the clinic are this new website with its user-friendly booking system, designed by Ash at Burnt Design and my brand new treatment couch.

Thank you to each and every one of you for bearing with me during this incredibly unusual year. It’s been great seeing old clients, welcoming new ones and yes, I am just a little bit in love with my new couch!

Joni X